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To conclude over all this project could be considered a success as our main goal was to educate the general public on their (the bees) environmental importance and how we can carry out small tasks that will help with their conservation as they are considered an endangered species. From the research we conducted we created a constructed media message for a positive significant intention for the general public to receive and engage with information on bees such as their impact on us, our impact on them and how we can change that.

Due to the outbreak of Covid-19 we had to make some changes to our project mid-way through the year which caused some setbacks for us. Firstly, we hoped to film interviews for our video content which would have consisted of videos of a working professional in their working environment. This would have given us a look into the world of a beekeeper and shown their lifestyle which could then have been shown to our target audience to educate them on how to become a beekeeper alongside their everyday jobs.

No contact because of Covid-19 meant that we were unable to be on campus. Covid19 also compromised our project on a personal level which hindered our progress on this project. Despite the implications of this we did our utmost best to keep together as a group while making progress.

As a group we have learned an array of new skills over the process of this project. We have learned how to work together and communicate with each other more efficiently since working remotely. We have each been able to improve our own set of skills in the creative media area such as graphic design, web development, animation, video production and also carrying out both primary and secondary research.

During this process we ourselves have learned a lot about the environment and the bees and will be putting what we have learned into practice in our everyday lives. We will continue to work on BeeAware as it is an important project that if developed further has the potential to make a change.

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